About us
My name is Balázs Horváth, I am the founder and owner of the site.
I am a devoted dog photographer, I take photos at different venues such as dog shows, in studio and so on.
My career began in 2010 when I visited the CAC Show in Nagyvázsony. It was love at first sight, and I decided to become a dog photographer. I set up a homepage and a Facebook site, and I started visiting dog shows on a regular basis.
In the autumn of 2011 the then editor-in-chief of „A Kutya” (‘The Dog’) magazine – which is the official cynology journal of the Hungarian Kennel Club (MEOESZ) – asked me to prepare a cover photo for the paper. After that they regularly published my photos: on the cover, in articles on breeds or kennels and in show reviews.
That time I prepared my most important photo reviews of the WDS (World Dog Show) in Salzburg and of the EDS (European Dog Show) in Bucharest, both in 2012. The same year I was invited by MEOESZ, which was the host of the IPO World Championship that year, to undertake the official shootings of the event.
The following year was another milestone in my career: the WDS was being held in Budapest, and I had the honor to operate its official photo stand.
Early in 2014 a new editor-in-chief was appointed at „A Kutya” magazine. This meant new professional opportunities for me too: beyond cover dogs I took on taking portrait photos of acknowledged dog professionals (such as Vilmos Csányi, Sir János Rithnovszky), as well as sports celebrities and famous singers. Besides, I contributed to a series of articles, which was about Hungarian breeds in their
I also continued visiting bigger shows in Hungary and the neighboring countries, also trying to make it to European and world shows too, which still keep me busy.
My ambition is to keep developing, and creating this homepage was a step along the way.
I wish you a pleasant stay here and enjoy the photos!